

01 Nov '19

P-United Ltd. prepared Strategic Environmental Assessment on the Actualization of the National Action Plan for Sustainable Pesticide Use in Republic of Bulgaria

The National Action Plan for Sustainable Pesticide Use in Republic of Bulgaria is adopted with Decision of the Council of Ministers on 21 November 2012. The plan shall be revised at least every 5 years and updated, if necessary.
The actualization of the National Action Plan for Sustainable Pesticide Use responds to the call of the European Commission in 2017 to Member States for taking greater actions to ensure sustainable use of pesticides by reducing the risks and impacts of pesticide use on human health and the environment.
In accordance with Decision № EO-3/2019 of the Minister of Environment and Water the actualization of the plan is a subject to Strategic Environmental Assessment. According to the Decision, it was found that the plan is not likely to cause significant negative impact on natural habitats, populations and habitats of species, subject to conservation in Natura 2000 sites.
In connection with Contract between Bulgarian Food Safety Agency and P-United Ltd., the experts from P-United prepared Strategic Environmental Assessment on the Actualization of the National Action Plan for Sustainable Pesticide Use in Republic of Bulgaria.