

21 Sep '18

P-United Ltd. will develop Environmental Programme of Sofia Municipality 2018-2027

On 20.09.2018 after a procedure conducted under the Public Procurement Act, a Contract was signed between Sofia Municipality, in the capacity of Contracting Authority and P-United Ltd., in the capacity of Contractor, with subject: „Development of Environmental Programme of Sofia Municipality 2018-2027“.
Development of Municipal Environmental Programme comes from the Environmental Protection Act.
The term for Programme’s development is 180 days divided into the following phases and activities:
1. First phase, including implementation of one main activity:
Activity 1. Analysis, conclusions and recommendations.
2. Second phase, including implementation of one main activity:
Activity 1. Implementation of Contracting Authority’s remarks on the results submitted in First phase.
3. Third phase, including implementation of two activities:
Activity 1. Development of Environmental Programme of Sofia Municipality 2018-2027, incl. vision, priorities and objectives divided to strategic objectives and sub-objectives.
Activity 2. Action plan, organization, control and monitoring of programme’s implementation.
4. Fourth phase, including implementation of two activities:
Activity 1. Implementation of Contracting Authority’s remarks on the draft of the Environmental Programme.
Activity 2. Preparation of presentations and support the Contracting Authority in presenting the draft of the Environmental Programme for its review and adoption during the Committee Meetings of the Sofia Municipal Committee.