

02 Aug '18

RIEW-Pernik agreed the Master Plan of Municipality of Tran

The Director of RIEW-Pernik agreed the Master Plan of Municipality of Tran with Statement on Strategic Environmental Assessment № ЕО 3-3/2018.
P-United Ltd., as participant at Consortium Planproekt Tran, prepared Compatibility Assessment Report and Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) on the Master Plan of Municipality of Tran.
Based on analyses and assessments in the Compatibility Assessment Report the conclusion is that if the mitigation measures from the Report apply the Master Plan implementation will cause negligible impact on the integrity and structure of the protected sites within the municipality as well as on the species subject to conservation there. All activities under the Master Plan are compatible with the object and purpose of conservation in the protected sites.
The SEA’s conclusion is that the Master plan will not cause significant negative impacts on the environment and human health even more – the expected impact is integrated positive, incl. cumulative positive impact if the measures from the Compatibility Assessment and Strategic Environmental Assessment be implemented.
After consultations with stakeholders and the public, conducted public discussion on the Master Plan, SEA and Compatibility Assessment as well as Expert Environmental Council, the Director of RIEW-Pernik agreed the Master Plan of Municipality of Tran with Statement on SEA № EO 3-3/2018: