

27 Dec '16

MOEW with positive assessment on EIA and CA Reports, prepared by “P-United”Ltd

Ministry of Environment and Water (MOEW) assessed positive EIA and CA Reports on investment proposal: “Overhead line (OHL) 400 kV Maritsa East SS (Republic of Bulgaria) to Nea Santa SS (Republic of Greece)”.
The reports were prepared by experts from “P-United” Ltd. under implementation of Second phase: Environmental Impact Assessment and Compatibility Assessment, part of project: “Drafting Preliminary Development Plan; Environmental Impact Assessment and Compatibility Assessment; Technical project and Project on final development plan for new overhead line (OHL) 400 kV from Maritsa East SS (Republic of Bulgaria) to Nea Santa SS (Republic of Greece) on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria”.
EIA Report and Compatibility Assessment Report cover all stages of realization of the investment proposal - design, construction, exploitation, closure and reclamation. Detailed and equal are discussed and alternatives for implementation of the investment proposal, incl. "Zero alternative". Motivated choice of the route was made, based on the technological possibility for the realization of investment proposal and effects on the environment, biodiversity and human health.
The conclusion of the EIА and CA Reports is that under recommended in the Reports measures and compliance with regulatory requirements, the impact of the investment proposal on the environment will be short and limited.
There is a public discussion on the EIA Report, including Compatibility Assessment ahead.