11 Nov '16
Public hearing on Strategic Environmental Assessment Report and Compatibility Assessment Report on Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) in the area of West Aegean River Basin Directorate was conducted on 10th of November, 2016, in the building of West Aegean River Basin Directorate (WARBD).
Experts from “P-United” Ltd., participant in consortium “Ecoproject – P-United”, participated in the public hearing in their capacity of Contractor of the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Compatibility Assessment. Representatives of West Aegean River Basin Directorate, interested parties and public concerned also participated in the public hearing.
The public hearing was opened by Mrs. Neli Gotseva – Head of Department “Plans”, WARBS. She presented the draft of the FRMP, main objectives and measures. Head of the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Compatibility Assessment from consortium “Ecoproject - P-United” – Elena Georgieva presented results from the reports. Conclusions from the Strategic Environmental Assessment and Compatibility Assessment are that implementation of the Flood Risk Management Plan will lead to positive impact on the environment and human health.
There weren’t questions from the present. There weren’t objections, too. Those who were attending to the public hearing expressed their positive opinion for the well done work by the experts work.
An Issue of opinion on the Strategic Environmental Assessment will be submitted to the Competent Authority - the Ministry of Environment and Water.