14 Nov '16
On 11-13 of November 2016 experts from “P-United” Ltd. attended to conference „PRONASEM 2016“, organized by B.E.N.A. The conference was in Bucharest, Romania. More than 200 representatives from Europe were attending.
During the conference our experts presented four papers:
- “Restoration processes in ecosystems within the rehabilitated mining sites of DPC INC., Chelopech”. Petar Petrov, Elena Zheleva, Stanimira Ivanova.
- “Characterization of soils and parent materials from rehabilitated embankments in the area of DPM INC., Chelopech”. Elena Zheleva, Petar Petrov, Stanimira Ivanova.
- „Phytocenotic characteristics and evaluation of habitat types in protected area „Sakar. Dimitar Pavlov, Petar Petrov, Elena Georgieva.
- „Monitoring of nesting avifauna and habitat types in the protected area „Sakar“. Elena Georgieva, Petar Petrov, Ekaterina Pavlova.
At the end of December papers will be published at Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology (JEPE).
Many thanks to the organizers!