

27 Oct '16

Public hearing on draft of Master Plan of Gorna Malina Municipality and Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment, including Compatibility Assessment

Public hearing on draft of Master Plan of Gorna Malina Municipality and Report on Strategic Environmental Assessment, including Compatibility Assessment (separate Appendix to the SEA) was conducted on 25 of October 2016 in Municipality of Gorna Malina.
The public hearing was opened by the Major of Municipality of Gorna Malina – eng. Angel Zhilanov. Representatives of the municipality, NGOs and other stakeholders also were attending.
Experts from “P-United” Ltd. were also attending in their capacity of Contractor of the Strategic Environmental Assessment and the Compatibility Assessment on the Master Plan. Head of the team presented the Strategic Environmental Assessment, including the Compatibility Assessment on the Master Plan with the object and purpose of protected site BG0001043 “Etropole - Bailovo” for conservation of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna.
The public hearing ended successfully, with high assessment by the participants for the well done job. The representatives of NGOs and the stakeholders fully support implementation of the Master Plan.