

07 Oct '16

MOEW with positive assessment on the Compatibility Assessment on Draft of Flood Risk Management Plan in the area of West Aegean River Basin Directorate, prepared by consortium “Ecoproject – P-United”

“P-United” Ltd. as participant in consortium “Ecoproject – P-United” prepared Compatibility Assessment on Draft of Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) in the area of West Aegean River Basin Directorate with the object and purpose of protected sites under Natura 2000 network. The Compatibility Assessment is a part of implementation of the activities under public procurement “Strategic Environmental Assessment on Flood Risk Management Plan in the area of West Aegean River Basin Directorate”.
Main function of the Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) is the public and the environment at risk to be prepared and protected through achieving the FRMP’s goals and implementation the measures envisaged.
Measures are the general element of the FRMP. Measures are divided into structural and non-structural. Direct impact on the object and purpose of preservation of protected sites under Natura 2000 network, which fall within the territorial scope of the West Aegean River Basin Directorate, is expected by implementation of the structural measures.
The team of experts that prepared the Compatibility Assessment found that direct impact by the FRMP implementation is expected on the following protected sites under Natura 2000 network:
Protected sites under the Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EC):
- SCI BG0001012 „Zemen“;
- SCI BG0001013 „Skrino“;
- SCI BG0000366 „Kresna - Ilindentsi“;
- SCI BG0001028 „Sreden Pirin - Alibotush“.
Protected sites under the Birds Directive (Directive 2009/147/EC):
- SPA BG0002003 „Kresna“;
- SPA BG0002098 „Rupite“.
Protected sites under the both Directives - Directive 92/43/EC and Directive 2009/147/EC:
- SCI & SPA BG0000209 „Pirin“.
The team of experts offers common mitigation measures – concerning implementation of the FRMP in common as well as specific mitigation measures – concerning implementation of specific measures in certain protected sites. The mitigation measures are aimed at prevention, reducing and if it is possible elimination of the negative impacts connected with the implementation of the FRMP in the protected sites.
The general conclusion in the Compatibility Assessment is that taking into consideration implementation of the mitigation measures, implementation of the FRMP in the area of West Aegean River Basin Directorate is compatible with the object and purpose of conservation of the above mentioned protected sites.
With Letter ref. № НСЗП-350/30.09.2016 the Minister of Environment and Water give a positive assessment on the Compatibility Assessment Report.