29 Jul '16
“P-United” Ltd. prepared Report on Compatibility Assessment on Draft of Master Plan of Gorna Malina Municipality with the object and purpose of conservation of protected site BG0001043 „Etropole - Bailovo“ for conservation of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna. Purpose of the Compatibility Assessment is identification and assessment on potential negative impacts which may arise during the implementation of the Master Plan.
The draft on Master Plan of Gorna Malina Municipality is connected with change in urban areas, agricultural lands – fields, pastures, meadows, forests and shrubs in agricultural lands, uncultivated agricultural lands, military sites, which are included in the protected site. The Master Plan also includes new design elements – recreational area for other types of recreation, recreational area for holiday village and territories with possible change of use.
“P-United”’s team of experts offers mitigation measures envisaged to prevent, reduce and if it is possible to eliminate the negative impacts by the Master Plan implementation on the protected site.
Conclusion of the Compatibility Assessment is that taking into consideration implementation of the mitigation measures the Master Plan of Gorna Malina Municipality is in accordance with the object and purpose of conservation of protected site BG0001043 „Etropole - Bailovo“.
With Letter ref.. № 08-00-7589/ 28.07.2016 the Director of RIEW-Sofia gave a positive assessment on the Compatibility Assessment Report.