

25 Jul '13

MEW approved a Mid-term Report under public contract “Select a contractor for evaluation and control quality of data received by mapping and identification conservation status of natural habitats and species and minimizing risks to wild birds”

With regard to public contract with subject: „Select a contractor for evaluation and control quality of data received by mapping and identification conservation status of natural habitats and species and minimizing risks to wild birds”, the experts from “P-United” Ltd. prepared Mid-term Report.

Ministry of Environment and Water (MEW) as a Contract Authority approved prepared by “P-United” Mid-term Report without remarks.

The Mid-term Report includes monitoring of all Lots under the public contract:
• monitoring of Vertebrates;
• monitoring of Fishes;
• monitoring of Amphibians and Reptiles;
• monitoring of Mammals, without bats;
• monitoring of Bats;
• monitoring of Higher plants, mosses and natural habitats;
• monitoring of Birds;

Monitoring of the relevant groups was conducted in 19 protected sites from Natura 2000 network, lasting 4 months, by more than 40 experts.
Organization and implementation of the field work and preparation of the Mid-term Report is in compliance with the technical specifications of MEW and the Introductory Report, prepared by “P-United”.

For implementation of the above mentioned monitoring a schedule laid down in advance for field control is followed for: vertebrates, fishes, amphibians and reptiles, mammals, bats, higher plants, mosses and natural habitats and birds.

Further step is preparation by “P-United”of a Final Report on evaluation and control quality of data received by mapping and identification conservation status of natural habitats and species and minimizing risks to wild birds.