25 Jul '13
With regard to public contract with subject: „Select a contractor for evaluation and control quality of data received by mapping and identification conservation status of natural habitats and species and minimizing risks to wild birds”, the experts from “P-United” Ltd. prepared Mid-term Report.
Ministry of Environment and Water (MEW) as a Contract Authority approved prepared by “P-United” Mid-term Report without remarks.
The Mid-term Report includes monitoring of all Lots under the public contract:
• monitoring of Vertebrates;
• monitoring of Fishes;
• monitoring of Amphibians and Reptiles;
• monitoring of Mammals, without bats;
• monitoring of Bats;
• monitoring of Higher plants, mosses and natural habitats;
• monitoring of Birds;
Monitoring of the relevant groups was conducted in 19 protected sites from Natura 2000 network, lasting 4 months, by more than 40 experts.
Organization and implementation of the field work and preparation of the Mid-term Report is in compliance with the technical specifications of MEW and the Introductory Report, prepared by “P-United”.
For implementation of the above mentioned monitoring a schedule laid down in advance for field control is followed for: vertebrates, fishes, amphibians and reptiles, mammals, bats, higher plants, mosses and natural habitats and birds.
Further step is preparation by “P-United”of a Final Report on evaluation and control quality of data received by mapping and identification conservation status of natural habitats and species and minimizing risks to wild birds.